Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Stop failing the GED Math Test!

Check out my latest e-book, "Stop failing the GED Math Test" it is free and available at this link: http://www.mygedlive.com/#!landing-page-1/c18eu

Monday, March 30, 2015

Free GED Mini Class Every Week! Stay in the Fight to Get Your GED!

After opening the year 2015 with my 1 Week GED Challenge, I quickly figured out how difficult it was to have 50+ conversations each week.  I wanted to figure out a way to help keep my website visitors, You Tube subscribers and blog readers in the fight to get their GED but the 1 Week GED Challenge was not the best way.  I was burnt out by mid-February!

You see, I have been teaching GED Prep since 2001 and my greatest disappointment is seeing so many begin working towards the GED Test and then drop out of the fight.

I see this online all the time.  To a certain extent, it makes sense online.  People can just surf the Internet, call me, send me an email or a text but a lot of the time it is just talk and blowing off steam.  When people figure out that it requires investment, they disappear like a puff of smoke.

In the classroom, it is more difficult to understand.  It is so hard to see people come to a free class, with more GED resources than the students can actually use and still see students walk away.  I realize life brings challenges but that doesn't take away the disappointment!

As a way to continue to help subscribers to this blog, my website visitors and subscribers to my You Tube channel (MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: ILANOMADVIDEO) to stay in the fight, I will be teaching a mini lesson each week.

This is not a substitute for getting my program or finding some other real  program that works for you, but instead, it is a extension of the GED Challenge.

My thought is that if I can keep you interested and in the fight to get your GED, eventually you will make the decision(s) you need to make and pass the test.

The video below talks about the mini class and includes a mini lesson.

As always, you have to practice.  Below is a practice test that will help you.  Sign up for a free account and then take the practice test.  You will receive your scores at the end.

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Winning Formula to Pass the GED Math Test

After helping thousands of Adult Learners to pass the GED Test since 2001, I have learned a few core principles for GED success.  One core principle is that targets help you to succeed.  If you go into the test knowing that you do not need to ace the test, just pass the test, you are more likely to be focused and achieve your goal.

(I know the GED offers "college ready" and "honor passing" but this does not matter for many.  If you are applying into an open enrollment environment such as a community college, then who really cares if you career and college ready.)

And, once you get into the job market, most employers won't have any idea what honors passing on the GED Test means anyway!   At best, they might say, "Good for you!"

The video below demonstrates my winning formula for the passing the GED Math Test.  Just pass it!

As always, you have to practice.  Below is a practice test that will help you.  Sign up for a free account and then take the practice test.  You will receive your scores at the end.

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

GED Video and Practice Test

Below is a video from my earlier days of teaching GED Prep.  It provides some framework to help you answer at least a few of the question in the practice test that follows below.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to call/text me at 707-385-1680.

Below is a practice GED Math Test.  Once you sign up (remember your user name and password) you can use it to take most of the tests that I post.  If you have trouble viewing the test below, CLICK HERE.

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Are you ready to try a new approach to passing the GED Test?

This week's Video of the Week is an example of what is at the base of everything I have done since 2001.  It is how I have helped thousands of people to pass the GED Test.  It's why the Get Your GED Now Test Preparation Series really gets results for you.  That result is you passing the GED Test!  My plan doesn't involve grinding you down with useless worksheets and busy work.  If you're sick of trying the same ol' thing and getting the same ol' result - then it's time to try something different.  Enjoy the video below!

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Looser GED rules encouraging carelessness?

Over the last few months, I have noticed a large increase in students taking the GED Test with no preparation.  I have heard, "I know I'm going to fail" and "I just started studying last week, Lol" and I have received the question "I am taking the test tomorrow morning, any tips?"

Tips?  Tips?  Are you kidding me?  There are people out there who would trust their future to tips?

No wonder only 85,000 people passed the GED Test last year.  In the old model, the scores were averaged and a higher test score could help a lower test score.  In most places, you had to take the test in 4-5 hour blocks.  You also had to pay for the entire test at one time in most states.

Now you can take one test at a time and pay for one test at a time.  I wonder if these looser rules are encouraging people to be careless and "just try it out," sensing less risk.

My encouragement to you is to actually prepare for this test.  Don't leave your future to "tips" and "Lol," instead, get real help and be prepared!

The video below is the GED Video of the Week.  It is on Percents.  

Bird Problem #1 - Percent from Damon Tinnon on Vimeo.

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Sunday, February 22, 2015

GED Video of the Week: February 23, 2015

I was stunned to read a tweet about the drastic drop in successful GED candidates in 2014.  The number I read was 85,000.  85,000.  85,000?
That was down from 475,000 successful GED candidates in the year before, 2013.  Well, there is not time to bemoan statistics.  I want to get down to work with people who are ready to get serious about preparing for this test and then passing this test.

I spend so much time talking about math - because it is needed - but I want to shift gears to writing.  There are three separate writing assignments on the GED Test.  
  • The Extended Response section of the RLA
  • The response to the prompt on the Social Studies Test
  • The Short Answer response on the Science Test
This week's video talks about the Extended Response section of the RLA.

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

GED Video of the Week: February 9, 2015

Once again, GED math is the most difficult portion of the GED test. As I work with students locally in the adult school in Napa, California and across America, from Florida to Washington state, everyone is agonizing over algebra. 

Yes, it is true. The GED math test is more than 50% algebra. So, you need to be prepared.  If you have historically struggled with math, you need a program that can prepare you in a realistic amount of time. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can just grind away. The time will escape you before you know it.

The video below can help. It is my GED video of the week for February 9, 2015. 

GED® Teacher Damon Tinnon is a credentialed Adult Education Teacher in the State of California and teaches GED®Preparation in the beautiful Napa Valley. Tinnon has helped hundreds of students pass the GED®through his local class and has influenced thousands through his straightforward and motivating teaching style over the internet! Visit us at www.mygedlive.com 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015